Common Reasons for Breast Implant Removal
Breast implants can be removed for several different reasons. Every patient’s reason for having their breast explant surgery is personal. However, some reasons may include:
- Capsular contracture (when scar tissue contracts around the implant)
- Implant rupture or displacement of the implant
- Concerns about breast implant illness (BII)
- The patient will be undergoing breast cancer treatment
- Concerns about breast shape, such as tuberous breasts
- Personal preference – some patients want a change in size, shape or position or wish to remove their implants
In rare cases, patients wish to correct a serious complication such as infection or breast asymmetry.
Implant Removal with Dr Broadhurst
“I pride myself on the individual care and support I provide each of my patients. From your first consultation, I will work one-on-one with you to tailor a treatment plan to suit your body.”
Your Initial Consultation
Due to the personal nature of breast implant removal, Dr Broadhurst will ask questions about your medical history and past breast surgeries during your initial consultation. You will also need to discuss your reasons for wanting breast explant surgery.
There are different types of breast implant removal, including:
- Implant removal and replacement
- Explant (removal of the implant only)
- Removal with a capsulectomy (removal of thick scar tissue)
- Implant removal with a breast lift
After a breast implant has been placed, scar tissue forms around it, known as the “capsule.” During a breast explant surgery, the breast implant capsule sometimes needs to be removed along with the implant. Whilst it is easy to remove a thick, firm capsule, it is much harder to remove a thin capsule. Patients with a thin capsule likely do not need it removed. You can discuss this during your appointment.
Once you have discussed these things, Dr Broadhurst will outline the treatment plan for your body anatomy, as well as what to expect after the surgery and during the recovery stage.
Your Second Consultation
Your second consultation will be face-to-face at one of our Brisbane, Sunshine Coast, Hervey Bay, or Bundaberg locations. Dr Broadhurst will provide information about whichever surgery option is suitable for you.
You are welcome to ask any questions or concerns you may have regarding breast implant removal surgery. After this, you should have a clear idea of what to expect from breast explant surgery, including before and after.
What to expect during your procedure?
Breast explant surgery will take about one to two hours to complete. However, this depends on the type of breast implant removal you choose. Patients may opt to have their implants removed and not replaced. In some cases, the implant and the surrounding scar tissue (capsule) will be removed. Depending on your concerns, this process can help change the shape, size, or position of the breasts and address issues from past surgery.
Incision and scarring
Generally, implant removal surgery typically involves making an incision in the breast crease. The visibility of the scars will depend on your body’s healing process, and the resulting scar may look slightly different from the one after the previous breast procedure.
Breast implant removal without replacement
Breast implant removal without replacement is a surgical procedure where the implants are taken out without inserting new ones. This procedure may be chosen for various reasons, such as complications, personal preference, or health concerns. During the surgery, the surgeon will remove the implants and may also perform a capsulectomy or en bloc to remove the scar tissue around the implants.
Breast explant surgery with a lift and skin tightening
As breast implants cause the breast to stretch, your breast surgeon may also suggest a breast lift (mastopexy) at the same time as implant removal. This will include a lift to correct the descending breast skin, elevating the nipple and areola.
Breast implant removal with replacement
Patients may choose to replace their implants due to implant ruptures, leaks, deflation, hardened scar tissue, or other issues. Implants will last about 15 to 20 years, although replacement is often advised after ten years. This process involves removing the implants, tightening the skin in some cases, and finally, insertion of new implants.
Read more information about Implant Removal & Replacement