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Breast Lift Brisbane

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Breast sagging, deflation, loss of volume or emptying are common changes after breastfeeding or weight loss. Mastopexy surgery is an option for women who are satisfied with their breast size however, can improve contour, raise the position of downward pointing nipples or areolas and reduce the size of the areolas.

There are many reasons why breasts begin to lose their shape and firmness; your breasts might have changed after breastfeeding, you might have lost an amount of weight that had affected your breasts, or you might have genetics that leads to sagging. The ageing process alone can lead to the sagging of your breasts and a mastopexy can restore volume and fullness.

Every woman is different and has a unique anatomy, which Dr Andrew Broadhurst is all too familiar with. Some patients may need more than a breast lift to create balanced and proportionate breasts. A breast lift can be combined with breast augmentation, but the discretion is up to the individual and Dr Broadhurst’s recommendation.

What does it involve?

A breast lift or mastopexy corrects droopy breasts that are often a result of breastfeeding, weight loss or ageing. The procedure involves removing excess skin, reshaping the breast tissue and repositioning the nipple to the middle of the breast. This will lift the reshaped breast to sit higher and restore a lifted appearance to your chest.

Am I a suitable candidate for a mastopexy?

There are many personal reasons why you may want a breast lift, and every woman’s concerns are different. You may wonder what concerns a mastopexy can correct.

These are the most common reasons why women consider a breast lift:

  • Breasts with significant droopiness but are an adequate size
  • Breasts lacking firmness
  • Nipples and areolas that point downwards or are located far below the breast crease
  • Breasts that appear different – one may be firm and well-positioned, whereas the other is not
  • Breasts that are unequal in size or are relatively small
  • Large and heavy breasts can be lifted but may not be as long-lasting as when performed on smaller breasts.

Breast Lift with Dr Broadhurst

“I pride myself on the individual care and support I provide each of my patients. From your first consultation, I will work one-on-one with you to tailor a treatment plan to suit your body.”

Meet Dr Broadhurst


Your Initial Consultation

Your initial consultation with Dr Broadhurst is a virtual appointment via FaceTime. Dr Broadhurst will ask you questions about your medical history, discuss any pregnancy plans, discuss your treatment plan, and outline what you can expect after your surgery and the early recovery.

Your Second Consultation

You will then see Dr Broadhurst for a second face-to-face consultation at our Brisbane, Sunshine Coast, Hervey Bay or Bundaberg locations, depending on which area is closest to you.

This appointment ensure you completely understand the procedure and gives you a chance to ask any further questions.

No questions are silly questions. With 18+ years of experience, Dr Broadhurst can help put your mind at ease by providing you with informed answers about breast surgery and any concerns you may have.


What to expect during your procedure?

A breast lift is performed as day surgery under a general anaesthetic. The surgery takes roughly 1.5 to 2 hours to complete, depending on the complexity of your surgery. Dr Andrew Broadhurst will remove excess skin, reshape your breast tissue and lift it higher onto your chest. Nipple sensation and your ability to breastfeed are not affected by a breast lift as the nipple remains attached to your breast throughout the surgery. All incisions are closed with internal dissolving sutures, and dressings are applied.

Depending on the extent of the physical activity you undertake, you should fully recover within one to two weeks. The location of incisions will depend on the size and shape of your breasts, the amount of skin and tissue to be removed, and Dr Andrew Broadhurst’s recommendations and preference.

Breast Lift Techniques

Four methods may be used to lift your breasts, including:

Crescent Lift

This technique only involves one incision made halfway along the top outer edge of the areola. A small amount of tissue is removed, and the bottom of the incision is lifted to meet the top, elevating the breast and nipple to a higher position. This technique is only recommended for women with slight sagging or drooping and results in minimal scarring masked by the areola.

Peri-Areolar Lift

This method, known as the ‘doughnut lift’, involves two circular incisions around the areolar, one outside the other. Skin and breast tissue are removed between these incisions, resulting in only one scar around the areolar. This technique will benefit women who experience very mild sagging or desire a smaller areolar and only causes minimal scarring.

Anchor Lift

This method is the most used for women with large breasts. It involves three incisions around the areolar, going vertically from the lower edge of the areolar to the crease under the breast (infra-mammary fold) and horizontally along the natural curve of the breast crease. This technique is ideal for women with significant excess skin and breast tissue, but it can cause substantial visible scarring.

Lollipop Lift

This method is also known as ‘vertical breast lift’ and is the most used breast lift technique for many patients. It involves two incisions around the areolar. The first incision is made around the outside of the areola. The second is made at the bottom of the areolar, going horizontally to the natural breast crease. This type of incision resembles a lollipop, and the benefit of this technique is that scars are modest and can be easily hidden.

How much does a breast lift cost in Brisbane?

A variety of factors influences the cost of a mastopexy, and it is impossible to list the price without having a consultation with Dr Broadhurst. During the consultation, Dr Broadhurst will examine the extent of your concerns, your medical history, and what you hope to achieve with a breast lift. Dr Broadhurst will then create a personalised treatment plan and can provide an estimate of costs at that time.

Factors that influence mastopexy costs include:

Surgeon’s fees

A breast lift conducted by a highly qualified, experienced, and accredited plastic surgeon like Dr Broadhurst will be the bulk of the costs of a mastopexy. The complexity and length of the procedure will depend on the extent of correction needed and the type of incision that will be used.

Anaesthetist’s fees

An accredited and qualified plastic surgeon will only use a qualified anaesthetist when conducting their surgeries. This comes with high costs, but a knowledgeable anaesthetist is essential for any cosmetic surgery as they will administer the anaesthetic and monitor your vitals while you’re asleep.

Hospital fees

The procedure may take between 1.5-2 hours, depending on the complexity of the surgery and is usually performed during the day. An overnight hospital stay will incur extra costs, and the time spent in the operating room will also have a significant influence.

Mastopexy aftercare also comes with costs, as you will need to wear a compression garment and may need pain medication, antibiotics, and scar creams. This is a cost that most people do not usually think of but is important. Patients should be prepared for unexpected expenses, especially if they experience any potential complications.

In some cases, patients may be eligible to have part of the costs covered by Medicare, but strict criteria surround eligibility. Medical or reconstructive reasons for surgery may be due to extreme breast sagging that may or may not be due to pregnancy and may also cause infections or rashes around the breast area. Health conditions related to breast weight can also significantly impact an individual’s quality of life and be another reason for Medicare eligibility.


Mastopexy Recovery

Recovery time is different for every patient, depending on the extent of the breast lift surgery and how well your body heals. Immediately following your mastopexy, you will experience mild pain, swelling, bruising, and a feeling of tightness across your chest. These are typical post-treatment experiences and will ease gradually. You will be prescribed pain medication and will need to wear a compression bra to protect the incision sites and minimise these symptoms. You will leave the surgery with drains inserted at the surgical sites to prevent fluid accumulation and dressings to protect the incision sites. These will be removed several days after the procedure. After one week, the pain will reduce significantly, but moderate swelling and bruising will persist. However, you may be able to return to work at this time.

  • Take all prescribed medications and creams.
  • Attend all post-operative appointments to monitor healing.
  • Avoid showering for 24 hours post-surgery.
  • Wear prescribed compression garments or surgical bras.
  • Maintain hydration and a healthy diet.
  • Wear loose-fitting clothing that won’t require you to raise your arms.
  • Avoid sleeping on your stomach for six weeks, and keep your head elevated during sleep.
  • Refrain from any strenuous activity for at least six weeks or until advised.

It is crucial that you follow all aftercare instructions as advised by Dr Broadhurst, as this will ensure optimal healing and a positive result from the surgery. Post-surgery healing aims to minimise visible scarring where possible and mitigate the potential for risks or complications to occur.

Procedure Risks & Complications

No matter what procedure you choose to undergo, whether it’s medical or cosmetic, a degree of associated risks and complications can potentially occur. Patients must be made aware of this before undergoing their surgery, and Dr Broadhurst will detail the related risks with a breast lift and how those risks can be minimised.

Associated risks and complications of a mastopexy are as follows:

  • Excessive bleeding
  • Infection
  • Poor scarring
  • Poor wound healing
  • Altered nipple sensation
  • Loss of breast tissue
  • Inability to breastfeed
  • Anaesthesia complications
  • Skin discolouration
  • Temporary numbness
  • Excessive breast firmness
  • Breast lumps
  • Nipple/areolar necrosis
  • Nipple asymmetry
  • Nipple shape and projection
  • Dog ears
  • Breast asymmetrical in size and shape
  • Suture reaction
  • Reduced skin sensation
  • DVT/PE (blood clots)
  • Death

Following your specific aftercare instructions as advised by Dr Broadhurst will help minimise these risks, including reducing visible scarring where possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

When will I see the results of the mastopexy?

It will take time for you to fully heal before seeing the results. Generally, it can take up to six months before you will see the final results of your breast lift. This is because swelling will take time to subside, and you will need to wear a compression garment for a couple of months after your surgery.

How long will the results last?

The results of a mastopexy are permanent, but your breasts are still susceptible to natural ageing, weight gain, and health and lifestyle choices. We recommend that patients maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine.

What should I do before my breast lift procedure?

Before undergoing your mastopexy surgery, we will provide you with pre-procedure instructions to minimise the potential for risks.

Before your procedure, you will need to:

  • Stop smoking – preferably as a permanent lifestyle choice, or at least six weeks beforehand.
  • Avoid taking blood-thinning medications, certain anti-inflammatory medications, and some herbal medications that can cause excess healing during and after surgery.
  • Avoid alcohol consumption prior to surgery.
  • Make necessary arrangements for your recovery period – ensure you have a good support system of people who can take care of you and your house for one to two weeks. You will be unable to lift, drive, or do any extensive activities for several weeks.
  • Buy any items you may need for your recovery, including healthy foods with low-sodium and high protein, clothes that open in the front, and any other items helpful for your healing and rest.

Will there be scarring?

Any surgery you may undergo in your life will leave some amount of scarring, and cosmetic procedures always carry this risk. Breast lift incision techniques are designed to mask visible scarring in the folds, creases, and areolas, and Dr Broadhurst takes the utmost care when making the incisions. However, there may still be some scarring, visible or not, and patients must understand this before undergoing surgery. We stress that patients need to follow their aftercare instructions carefully, as those instructions are designed to help minimise potential scarring.
You will also be provided with silicone gel that can be applied once our nurses have reviewed you at 2 weeks post surgery.

Can a breast lift be combined with other procedures?

Yes, we can combine a mastopexy with other procedures depending on your circumstances and concerns. The most common are breast augmentations and breast implant surgeries for patients who have various problems or specific aesthetic outcomes they wish to achieve.

Will I be able to breastfeed after a mastopexy?

With a breast lift, patients do run the risk of not being able to breastfeed after their surgery. This will largely depend upon what incision technique is used to lift the breast. Some incision techniques do not surgically move the nipple but only excise around the areola, and in some cases, patients may still be able to breastfeed. However, if this is a concern for patients, we will usually suggest they wait until after they have had children and have stopped breastfeeding before undergoing a mastopexy.

Should I wait until after pregnancy to get a breast lift?

Yes, we usually recommend that patients wait until after having had children before getting a breast lift. This is because pregnancy can significantly alter a woman’s breasts, and how different the breasts may become is hard to predict. By getting a breast lift before pregnancy, you risk needing revision surgery. Most women find a breast lift provides the most beneficial, prolonged results after a significant change to their body, such as pregnancy.

What won’t a breast lift surgery do?

A breast lift will not change the size of the breasts, as it is only designed to lift them to restore a more youthful shape. If you may also want an increase or decrease in breast size, you may need to combine the mastopexy with a breast augmentation or reduction surgery.

Should I get a mastopexy after weight loss?

Often, patients who undergo massive weight loss find that their skin’s elasticity is not what it used to be. While weight loss can eliminate unwanted fat, excess skin may still be present in those problem areas and will not disappear even with a healthy diet and exercise. Breasts are one of the areas in which those women who have undergone massive weight loss experience sagging skin. For breast lift patients who have experienced weight loss, we recommend they have the surgery when they reach the ideal goal weight that they can healthily maintain. This will help prolong the enhanced results.