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When is the Right Time for Breast Reduction Surgery

For some women, having overly large breasts can cause some health complications. From neck and back pain from heavy breasts to frequent skin infections underneath the breasts, these issues can impact one’s self confidence and everyday comfort levels. To reduce the size of what can be considered as oversized breasts, Dr Broadhurst can perform breast reduction surgery in his Brisbane and Sunshine Coast locations.

What is a breast reduction

A breast reduction involves removing excess breast tissue and skin, as well as repositioning the nipple to suit the new breast size and shape. The procedure’s steps, such as the incision type, are determined by each patient’s unique body shape and personal aesthetic preferences.

Signs you may benefit from a breast reduction

If you find that you experience any of the following issues, you may benefit from undergoing breast reduction surgery.

-> You have back and neck pain
The weight of heavy breasts can put strain on your back and neck, causing frequent pain and muscle tension. Managing this pain with medications, massages or other methods of relief will only temporarily give you a break from the issue. To target the source of the pain and solve the issue for good, the size and weight of the breasts can be permanently reduced with breast reduction surgery.

-> You find it hard to wear most clothing
Having larger breasts can make it more difficult to find tops, bras and other types of clothing to fit comfortably. Some clothing can feel too tight or not sit how it is meant to, and bras can feel uncomfortable and unsupportive.

Surgically reducing your breasts to a smaller cup size can make this factor of daily life far more manageable. Not only can you feel more comfortable to get on with life’s activities, but you can enjoy a much wider variety of clothing, which can even boost your confidence levels.

-> You have poor posture
Overtime, heavy breasts can posture issues, such as slouching shoulders forwards and hunching over. Poor posture can lead to other complications, like muscle pain, headaches, disturbed digestion and even joint degeneration and spinal issues.

If the size and weight of your breasts impacts your posture, it can absolutely be worth undergoing surgery to reduce their size.

-> You experience daily discomfort due to your breast size
Larger breasts can make getting comfortable a little more difficult, such as while you sleep in bed or rest on the couch, when you shower, or when you’re exercising. You may feel that your breasts impact your quality of life, getting in the way of even simple daily tasks. If this is the case, undergoing a breast reduction surgery can have a significant positive effect on your life.

-> Your breasts prevent you from exercising
If your breasts are larger or heavy than what you would feel more comfortable with, they can make getting enough physical activity in your daily life a lot harder. Whether your breasts stop you from exercising to your full potential or prevent you from feeling motivated to exercise all together, one of the benefits of a breast reduction is much better mobility.

-> You suffer from frequent skin rashes or infections
Sometimes, larger breasts can prevent women from cleaning the skin underneath the breasts properly, which can lead to rashes and even skin infections. While medicated skincare is available to treat these skin conditions, it can be frustrating when these issues keep returning, not to mention it can feel very uncomfortable and even impact self-esteem levels.

Many women find that after a breast reduction procedure, they are able to keep the skin underneath their breasts cleaner and prevent the recurrence of these skin conditions.

-> Your self-esteem is impacted by your breasts
The purpose of procedures like breast reduction surgery is not only to relieve the patient of health complications, but it can lift one’s self-esteem levels to a point that can have an outstanding positive impact on everyday life. While physical health is important, so is mental health and how a patient views themselves.

After undergoing a breast reduction, women can feel a higher sense of confidence and comfort in their own skin. To achieve this life changing outcome is one of the reasons why understanding, empathetic and supportive surgeons like Dr Broadhurst become passionate and motivated to become experts in the field of plastic surgery. So, if you’re feeling like undergoing the procedure for the aesthetic change is not a serious enough reason to consider surgery, think again!

The ideal time for surgery

If you feel that you need a breast reduction procedure, the next step is to look at when will be the right time to undergo the surgery.

Firstly, you need to be at least 18 years old, and not currently pregnant or breastfeeding. You will also need to be considered as physically suitable for surgery, meeting certain health requirements. This can be done in person during a consultation with Dr Broadhurst, where you can discuss your health history, any medications you are currently taking and any additional factors that can impact your suitability for the procedure.

If you are considered overweight, it can be best to determine a healthy diet and exercise routine that will work for you to reach your ideal body weight or become close to it. Make sure your body weight goal is realistic and healthy. You may find that once you have lost weight, the size of your breasts can become smaller. At this point, you can reconsider your need for the procedure – generally, if your breasts will not reduce in size after losing weight, you can be a suitable candidate for a breast reduction procedure.

Since the breasts can naturally change size and shape during and after pregnancy, it can also be worth waiting until you feel that you are finished having children before undergoing the procedure. Having the surgery before pregnancy can interfere with the results and even prompt the need for revision surgery to restore the results later down the track.

Last, but not least, consider whether you are in the right time of your life to take some time off work and support yourself during your recovery period. Recovery from breast reduction can take about two to six weeks and will require following some important recovery steps. Thankfully, Dr Broadhurst can discuss what you will need to do in further detail, ensuring that you have the right support throughout your recovery.

Breast reduction surgery in Brisbane and Sunshine Coast with Dr Broadhurst

As one of Australia’s most highly regarded Specialist Plastic Surgeons, Dr Broadhurst aims to provide the most empathetic, supportive and patient-centred care.

If you’re considering breast reduction surgery, a one-on-one consultation can help you to feel understood, informed, and prepared to undergo the procedure.

Contact our team today to request a consultation in your preferred location or ask us any questions about breast reduction.

More to read: Medicare rebate for breast reduction surgery